
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why do I have this blog?

I have a variety of reasons for having this blog.

I have the skills and knowledge to market a blog or a web site, expanding the public relations part of it, handling market communications and so on. I have done this elsewhere.

I could be doing things like putting pointers to it on twitter, fetlife and other social media outlets. I could be working in keywords for web search engines, adding sexy mainstream photos with captions for image searches, dropping people's names, etc. I could be working to get other blogs and social media to have links to this blog to also expand the hit rate and other tricks. There is an endless number of things I could do to make this blog more visible but then that would be work.

I am not interested in that work.

My intent behind my blog is to provide some help to myself and to others. By writing down things, organizing things and reading them back I get some clarity for myself and it helps my thinking. There are times I just need to express myself without any regards to other people, it makes me feel better. Sometimes I write in the hopes that others may be helped, I consider that a failing of sorts given the internet is filled with trolls and that sort of goodness is buried under the crap.

I have limits with this blog.

I would love to think it is anonymous but I know better. A little digging, back door access and some other tricks and I am easily found. There are even easier ways to find me using other people's web sites and some non-online detective work. With this reality in mind, I pull back on some details about people, places and myself -- whatever I put in this blog is something I have to live with.

The person, me, behind the blog is known in various places and circles. I have in person talked with a variety of people who are on twitter or have blogs. It doesn't really matter whether they know I have a blog or not.

I have tried to "out" myself with care and tact. It seems impossible at work given the politics, their policies and the unclear boundary of where work stops and a personal life starts. I have worked to move off of people's radar screen so I can be more open. I have had limited success with my family too. I don't have any agenda of saying "here I am" to anyone. I just need to be honest with close and personal family and friends if the subject comes up in a positive setting.

In summary, this is a little blog in a little corner of the internet and I am just fine with that.

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