
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Drifting into the 2010 NYC Sex Blogger Calendar Release Party

It still makes me laugh at how things happen in my life.

More then a month ago, I came across reference to a New York City Sex Blogger Calender Release party and it supporting Sex Worker's Awareness. Around the same time, I was fiendishly working out logistics to go to the Connecticut GRUE (Graydancer's Ropetastic Unconference Extravaganza). I looked at the party and it was an evening small window event. My thoughts were not worth the trip for 12 hours of driving or a $200+ hotel room.

I commented on twitter at some point about going to the GRUE. A wonderful lady said she couldn't go to the Connecticut GRUE. I asked why not? Because they saved for this party instead and had to make a choice. This I definitely took note of and would re-examined it. I still couldn't see the value in it.

Life continued as it usually does with lots of craziness in my personal life. Hey, never a dull moment!

Connecticut GRUE

Eventually my life centered on getting the car ready, closing up lose ends and packing for the Connecticut GRUE. When I arrived at the GRUE hotel, I immediately saw familiar faces and other obvious kinky souls. I was happy.

As the story unfolds, I got myself showered and dressed and went to the meet and greet party. I meet new people and thoroughly enjoyed myself being with very positive kink aware sexy people.

The best part for this meet and greet was the number of high caliber bondage rope tops. Twisted Monk, Graydancer, Dov, Murphy Blue and other rope tops were there. I would be watching, listening and learning with a big smile on my face. What a blast!

Apparently Graydancer had an appointment to do a podcast with Diva and Tess as part of the NYC Sex Blogger Calendar Release Party. No doubt that this was important for a variety of reasons. It wasn't rope so I drifted off to another part of the meet and greet to stay out of the way.

Later though, I don't remember how but I ended up talking and teasing Tess and Diva with Graydancer and Twisted Monk starting to wrap Diva up. I struggled with trying to work various cameras but thoroughly enjoyed what was happening.

Tess and Diva are both amazing women from what I have experienced. They both shined as I teased them and as Diva was unwrapped and Tess was wrapped up in rope. This was happening as other crazy fun antics occurred. It was a fantastic moment in time. Twisted Monk and Graydancer are fantastic rope tops. They both engage with positive sensuous style.

Okay, I will go...

When Tess said I should come to the release party, I think I expressed I already bought 2 calendars and so on. Something about her smile told me I had missed something and my curiosity was peaking. With an inward thought of "you don't know what you are doing", I said I would be at the party.

You see, I am a sucker for a beautiful woman's smile.

Shortly after wards, I did my googling of the party and did some quick peek of some blogs. With my busy life, I made my first mistake of looking at the events and then making hotel reservations and plans like I would do for a business trip.

In the the few weeks that followed, I realized that mistake and attempted to extend the hotel reservation one more night 2 weeks before. The hotel put me on a waiting list and I was #5. Oops. Well, made a second hotel reservation but a full hotel? What does that mean?

It was wonderful getting pleasant comments on twitter about going to the party.

But I had my doubts about the party. The fact was I wasn't a sex blogger, not a sex worker nor anybody. Little 'ol me was a newbie kinkster going to a very impressive party. With that thought in mind, I set my expectations on helping Tess and Diva and enjoying whatever happened in New York City.

Meanwhile I dealt with work, got a new apartment, bought a pile of furniture and moved into my new apartment. In other words, I moved away from my ex-wife and my kids which is a difficult set of emotions.

On the flip side, I got some more rope work in. I discovered I need to stay away from dark rope in dark play spaces especially on dark clothes. I also spent a wonderful day going "mmmm" from some lovely sensation play I bottomed to on the same night.

Driving to New York City

The Thursday morning before the release party, I packed and drove quickly to New York City. Snagged a speeding ticket and then arrived a the hotel. I unpacked, set up my laptop and got a wonderful surprise.

Tess IMed me with "Can you meet downstairs in 5 minutes?" Oh my, "how about 10?". "ok". Jumped in the shower and dressed in a flash.

The group went off to Essex and I had mentally decided on the road after that speeding ticket I would buy a round of drinks or two. I did exactly that. I met Bad Bad Girl there and others. I discovered at that quiet little moment that I was smiling ear to ear and the fun had started. Good people, good drink and lively discussion was so perfect.

Little did I know that next four days would be a constant blast of fun with difficult choices of whether to sleep, eat or have more fun!

Tess and Diva did an amazing thing. I will be going to the next New York Sex Blogger Calendar Party!

Yummy, my first rope scene

My friends mean the world to me and they surprise me in little ways.

There was a play party on Friday, a dungeon event on Saturday and dungeon time later that day. At the start of the week, I commented to a friend that I would probably skip the play party but I was going to the munch the next day. At the munch, I was a bit surprised when I was announced as a "rope" person like someone else in the room. The smiles were more then the usual ones.

When the subject of rope came up later in the munch, as I commented, I noticed a wonderful smile on a new lady I hadn't met. It made me smile inwardly and re-plan my weekend schedule.

I commented later about the smiles to another friend who I switch with and she said "oh because you are fresh meat". It made me laugh but I doubted it a bit. Maybe she was right partially?

I asked the new lady for a play date for that Friday later. She said she already had one but would take a rain check. It wasn't unexpected but I was a bit disappointed. I stilled loved the energy from the munch. I would still go to the party and let things happen as they may. If nothing happened, I would have good conversation at least and maybe learn something from a scene or two.

The best surprise was when I showed up at the party with a very open mind about roping anything that moved, a beautiful young lady bounced up to me and gave me a warm hug. She commented that the last time we met it was at another munch and I was very nervous. That munch seemed like a million years ago standing with her enjoying the small connection we had.

It turned out that she had spent the night before talking about me with the friend I switch with. No doubt in my mind that my good friend had said wonderful things about me and my rope play. She is a sweetie.

Hopefully I will thank her when she is in rope shortly. On the other hand, she may put some extra zeal into her impact play with me. She and I both get what we need.

Before we could start, there was a bit of drama which I manage to a minimum with the girl's help. I don't avoid confrontation but I do work to minimize or eliminate it.

We went off not to play but for her to be a demo rope bottom. I needed to practice my ropes. At least that is what I thought...

It was wonderfully fun. My ropes were sloppy, dangling but sensuous. I made mistakes. Blew some knots that slipped tighter when they didn't shouldn't. Did either of us care?

She and I were both smiling and laughing. She was being a beautiful lively mild brat kicking, biting and pinching me while bound in ropes. It made me smile as I whispered sweet things about her being my marionette and other things. I couldn't help myself changing it to a scene.

She was my little puppet since I was constantly moving, connecting and reconnecting with her and rebinding parts of her body. Several times she almost got lose as I watched with a wicked grin and then at the last moment pulled on the rope binding her wrists and knotted it off again. It wasn't a mistake that the knots were within reached of her lovely hands.

Even when undoing the ropes and letting them accumulate into a mess on the floor that hampered later rope removal, I was connected to her and enjoying the rope and her. I was feeling a rush I had felt many times before and I was expecting it to end.

When she was lose and a bit dreamy looking, I got worried she would fall. For a brief moment she sat down but then started working on the rope mess on the floor with me. With a wonderful smile, she said hurry up so she can have a cigarette and do it again. I lit up like a Christmas tree with a big smile.

We came back down and I started roping her up again. Instead of a partial suspension, I did something else. She was much quieter this time and then I added one and later two surprises. At some point, the world disappeared and was annoyed when the music came on too loudly.

I untied her partially. The control and other needs of my mine were in full force. Her feet and legs were bound awkwardly. She was holding onto the ring above her head with a rope blindfold. I forced her hands free and all she knew was she would was falling. A split second later she was in my arms. I whispered some things and we were quiet.

The rest of the evening was a blur. There wasn't a place to sit together at first upstairs but we ended up together later. Touching and staying connected. The rush I was feeling was more then I expected.

I made sure she was okay as she drove away and then I went to get my stuff and say goodbye. Several other women came up and said they wanted to be tied up. It made me smile.

She is a wonderful new friend.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

First, first, first ...

It has been a year of many firsts. A staggering bewildering array of firsts.

One of my firsts was ending my marriage. The short version of this classic tragedy is my marriage after many years had diverged. My wife's path to happiness was making me more and more unhappy.

There came a point where life was just there. Life was paying bills, work, running to the hospital, helping friends, fixing fences, birthing animals, freezing my butt off in the middle of nowhere, repairing cars, doing paper work and so on. Mind numbing in its constant and relentless in its need to be addressed. Nothing much really changed if you stepped back from it. I worked at work. I worked at my wife's farm.

My kids are fantastic. They are growing up so well. I am blessed. As they slowly turn into wonderful adults, my parenting job disappears. My focus turns elsewhere and inward. I didn't like what I was seeing.

I communicated my frustration. I ran faster and faster so it would work. The numbness grew over the last several years.

I had starting exploring online and was surprised at the healthy online BDSM community. As I explored, my feelings of being isolated disappeared. I needed this world.

Eventually another first occurred when my partner and I attempted to find a new balance. We went to Midori's wonderful Rope Dojo I in New York City. Fantastic time. Very cool and educational instructors. My smile grew but my partner's smile faded.

She tried. I really appreciated it. She said to play with others. As I started to explore, she continued her explorations. I love her spunk and love for life and supported it. She also had some luck connecting with people online.

The sad part was the New York City weekend at the Rope Dojo was just us being hotel mates. She didn't even cuddle and watch a movie with me. She spent most of her time online.

Shortly after that time, she ended the marriage and I cut loose. My comfort zone is fairly large and the flirting that made my partner jealous wasn't an issue any more. With a huge smile, I jumped head long into my new world.

My partner heard that FetishCon would be a good event to attend.

When I visited the local dungeon in Pittsburgh and joined, I tripped over an ad for Floating World. When I looked it up, it seem much better then some fetish model convention. This would be my first event.

Meanwhile I downloaded all of Graydancer's Ropecasts and started listening to them working backwards. Fiendishly writing down notes as I drove to work each morning. My online education was slowly being filled by a real world education.

In a short five month period, I had done many firsts:
During this time, I had augmented my wardrobe. Bought lots and lots of hemp rope. With my first purchase for Midori's Rope Dojo coming from Twisted Monk. Many wicked toys from the JT's Stockroom had also been purchased, some my ex-wife kept.

My expectations were very simple to start. Meet people, learn, explore and smile. It is amazing and I love this world very much. The people are fantastic and normal to me. I have no doubts that others disagree but I don't care.

Oh yea, one more first. This blog entry!!!!
